On November 6, 1986 President Reagan signed into law The Immigration and Control Act (IRCA). The Immigration and Control Act of 1986 was passed in order to control and deter illegal immigration to the United States. It's major provisions stipulate legalization of undocumented aliens who had been continuously unlawfully present since 1982, legalization of certain agricultural workers, sanctions for employers who knowingly hire undocumented workers, and increased enforcement at U.S. borders.
According to reports approximately 3 million illegal aliens received amnesty under IRCA.
It's now 29 years later and according to Mexico's former Ambassador Arturo Sarukhan, we have 10 times the illegal aliens that received amnesty in 1986.
The only things accomplished by IRCA, was amnesty for the illegal aliens and it increased the influx of illegal aliens streaming across our borders waiting for the next amnesty.
U.S. citizens have been waiting 29 years for the enforcement side of IRCA, secured borders and penalties for employers that hire illegal aliens. As we continue to live with the ill effects of illegal immigration, my question is "What about us?"