Sunday, April 15, 2018

DACA Event Chagrin Falls 4/14/2018

It was a small event. I was joined by a gentleman that also believes in securing our borders and enforcing our immigration laws. 

We sat on the bench with our signs and it did not take long for some of the DACA supporters to feel the need to come out of the park to question us and sit with a sign of their own. 

The main question was why we were there no explanation was necessary, our signs said it all.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

More Illegal Alien Rhetoric

When families and friends see the empty shoes of a loved one killed by an illegal alien, they know the forever sadness that those shoes will never be filled.

And yet illegal aliens are asking Congressman Dave Joyce "If we are deported, who will fill our shoes?" 

Yes the illegals will once again be demanding amnesty. And the media will post more of the same  tugging at the heartstring stories.

"We have a Dream" Silent Protest for Dreamers and Against Cruel Deportations

WHAT:  “We have a Dream” silent protest
WHENSaturday, April  14th at 1pm
WHERETriangle Park, Chagrin Falls, OH
WHO:  Dreamers, other Ohio immigrants, and allies